Grosse Pointe's Irene Molloy brings her sense of adventure to The WB Questionnaire.

What word best describes you?

What is your all-time favorite line of your character?
It changes all the time, there are so many good ones. I get all the best lines.

What aspect of your character would you like to have?
I'd like to be unapologetic.

If you could play any other role on The WB, who would it be?
Felicity or one of the witches on Charmed.

If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
I'd like to fly.

Define the perfect day.
Probably get up, take a yoga class, get in my car and drive up the coast until I get hungry, stop and go somewhere to eat and meet and talk to people. Then I'd just keep driving and driving until the sun goes down, maybe stop on the beach, pitch a tent and go to sleep.

Which person- living, dead, or fictional- do you most identify with?
Sylvia Plath or Madonna.

What quality in yourself would you like to improve?
I'd like to have more discipline and to be a little more articulate.

If you could eat only one type of food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Brazilian food.

Who are your favorite actors?
Kate Winslet and Cate Blanchett.

Name your greatest achievement.
Driving across the country by myself.

Name your greatest regret.
Not going to college - yet.

What's your biggest complaint in life?
People are naive to their surroundings because of television.

What do you like most about Hollywood?
Dreams and ideas are made into reality. The creativity.

What do you deplore most in Hollywood?
The "high school" mentality,the popularity contests and money.

If you weren't in show business, you would be?
I don't think I had any other choice. I guess I would probably be in school, or I'd be a chiropractor or have kids.

What's something in the world you'd like to see outlawed?
Capital punishment.

What do you like most about the holidays?
Cranberry sauce.

What quality do you envy in the opposite sex?
They don't have such a warped body image.

Copyright 2000 The WB Television Network

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